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Dutching on betting exchanges using Bet Angel's advanced dutching module

por Academia   |   comments 0

Dutching is the process of backing more than one selection in a market to make a profit. Bet Angel not only allows you to back more than one selection but to also nominate a target profit or loss against each individual selection.

betangel, dutching
Top Tipsters do mês
1 Sergio Felini Junior 20€ 2,235%
2 gilmarfsa 17,5€ 1,936%
3 Tiago Plaza 15€ 1,935%
4 Rajey O Rapper 12,5€ 1,872%
5 ringostarr85 10€ 1,547%
6 cartegeane 10€ 1,346%
7 Kdudu 10€ 1,333%
8 evertonquel 10€ 1,313%
9 FUMACERA 10€ 1,259%
10 CMSsilva 10€ 1,250%
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: 46616 : 11338594